Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Head cold

It struck about 4pm yesterday.....I was suddenly super tired. It annoyed me. I had finished all my homework and was ready to savor a beautiful evening. I tried taking a nap but only reached half-consciousness. Had I not felt like I had stepped in front of steam roller I would have thoroughly enjoyed it. Someone found the fantastic noises made by blowing through a long piece of cardboard; a percussion band immediately assembled to assist and went forth through the halls on every floor of the dorm. One lovely soul had decided to vacuum....And somebody was looking for Sam...occasionally yelling her name to no avail. As it turned out we had a hall meeting at 9 in the was more like a dorm meeting...there were several skits illustrating why there were certain 10:30 we had split into smaller groups with more specific items to cover...and by 11pm we were back in the dorm the general population energized to pull an all nighter. And I commenced to collapse into bed thoroughly and entirely dead....well today I am slightly more functional. Chorus was out of the question due to throat issues...but other than sounding raspy... life is looking up...thank You God for citrus cough drops and hot tea :)

Yours truly

Butterfly girl

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