When the family dropped me off we went through the customary routine of student ID....orientation etc. Plus of course several trips to and from the car:) Before Jord left, he had mentioned that I was the one acting like I was moving into an apartment. But the college shopping was just soooooo fun!
I got a little teary-eyed during the chapel service for new students...mom said she was praying for me...
And then suddenly I was on my own....going, going...slightly off kilter...following the crowd to different orientation things (thus ending up being in the wrong FYI group, I later realized:)
reasons to celebrate:
reasons to celebrate:
1: I'm here ...I've made it to college alive!
2: What a blessing to be surrounded by Christian fellowship
3: Made it through the first day of classes...(and HW done by 7!)
It was rainy so me, Jen Trish and Sarah (?)had some sweet girl time with hot cocoa, popcorn and the most amazing movie ever-Pride and Prejudice:)
Had fun setting up my room.

Sunday we got to meet the president....played gold and Egyptian-rat somthingorother while we waited.

Orientation continued through Saturday. Saturday night there was this awesome karaoke party...ring of fire...YMCA...since you been gone...it was fun...all decked out in different outfits and there were records handing from the ceiling...it reminded me of 50s night at camp.
Sunday night we went to Coininia
(an awesome student-led worship service)
And then there was a bonfire...were we all proceeded to sing Christmas songs. :)
Mondays been rather crazy...for once got to all the right rooms on my schedule (only to find they'd all been moved...it was good thought.
I'm getting pretty comfortable with jogging on the roads around here and am loving having salads as much as I want(hah! J and Dad!)..oh, and cappuccinos you know, the ones that are almost all sugar and milk :)
Therefore...life has been lovely here.
yours truly
butterfly girl
looks like you are doing well. It's nice to see your room looking settled.
So this is what I'll be coming to visit! Sounds amazing C! =)I'm so glad you love it there! I can't wait to see what you love about it! -Mackenzie
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