Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To do list

Good beautiful, sunny, lovely day!

Got off from nannying today around lunch time. Yesterday I had one of those days where I just hit a wall. Took the bus home and got back around 4. And then it was like I was suddenly drained of any motivation. So today was one of those delightful days where I am actually looking forward to getting to my long to-do list...Most of it concerns stuff I just want to get done before college, (projects etc). Yes, I am a chronic list-maker...sometimes I even write down stuff I've already done so I can just cross it off. :)

Got pictures developed today. Most of them are for a little flip-book project I'm doing. I'd like to get it done so I can give it to Cassandra before she leaves for PA.

Song of the Day: Shattered

"How many times can I brake till I shatter...All I feel is the realness I'm faking.."-amazing lyrics

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

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