So Sunday was absolutely lovely. Mucho hymns (much to J's dismay:) The speaker gave a really good sermon.
Afterward we headed towards Placid so Dad could pick up something for Hannah's bike. And now for the part that totally made my day: while he did that Kayt, Jord and I went to price chopper for groceries. I mysteriously found myself wondering around in the candy isle...staring glassy eyed up at the dark chocolates. There was this salesman older guy, whistling away merrily. We started talking and he ended up telling me a history of the guy a that founded Ghiradeli chocolates. Apparently he came to America for the gold-rush. The salesman was so genuinely friendly to everyone that passed...I was quite inspired. He encouraged me to get the chili-dark chocolate. And I did. Just tried it today, in fact and it's absolutely perfect....sweet and spicy...but a gentle makes me feel Spanish. Love it. So that has been my latest inspiration; to acquaint myself with the history of the chocolate I love. :)
Sunday night Hannah got out the "Sparklers:" Super fun:

Hannah's been waiting to use these!

Our beloved pyromaniac :)

I excluded the sissy pictures of me cringing

Yours truly
butterfly girl
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