Kutless Concert!
Jen and I were in the back....probably the only two back there jumping up and down and yelling and generally being crazy. :)

Afterwards: sweaty, half-deaf, and with throats sore from screaming. And thoroughly happy.
Kayt and Jord I wish you could have been there!
Yours truly,
Butterfly girl
Corina, so glad you're having fun. Please call home.
Hey Rene,it sounds like you have lots of country roads and trails to explore. I think you are wise to take somebody else with you when exploring the trails, at least until you get to know them.
So are you enjoying your classes? How have you done on the quizzes? What classes are challenging to you?
Do they have any pay phones at Houghton? Can you get a phone card and use it to call your poor old mom & dad; they would love to hear your voice. Dad
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