Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ah, the start of another week...Monday was quite the hullabaloo...had managed to loose my student ID...reluctantly let me into breakfast on the condition of promising that I would get a new ID by lunch...but then they wouldn't let me into chapel...so I go to get new one in the campus center, find the ID door closed....walk back up...learn that you have to ask...go down ask...learn that they can't charge it to my student account...run back to the dorm...pay for the ID...run to chapel, scooch into the wrong row, climb over a seat, loose my shoe, sit down, wish for invisibility. :) Whew!

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my easy days...so today was a breeze...finished homework before super and was able to go to the CLEW (Christian Leadership Emphasis Week) meeting...the speaker this week is absolutely amazing..she makes me laugh and cry...with energy exuding from every syllable...

After the CLEW meeting I headed up to the library....to see if I could find a good novel. To no avail, but was awed by the sheer amount of deliciously old books (hence language that could only be less cumbersome if read aloud in some Shakespearean play.) ...Chaucer, Bacon....all those famous authors whose books I'd never scene...it was actually quite glorious, the smell of the old books, yellowed and spotted and absolutely begging for someone to pour over the pages of lore.

And now it is time to catch up on sleep.

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

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