Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catch up

Good Saturday!
So this past week was Gillette Spirit week, complete with wear-your-Jammie's-to-class, twin-day and a bonfire/camp out.
Tuesday, I met up with some girlies to work out in the gym. After acquainting myself with the various dangerous-looking paraphernalia, I opted for the good ole treadmill. After jogging 4 miles, getting entirely drenched in sweat and watching a volleyball game through the window, we headed to Lambein for the open house cookie night! And promptly canceled out any calories burnt. :)
Wednesday, we went to and open house at President Mullen's home. It was quite delightful. she had a scrapbook page for each of us freshmen to fill out. (By far the best part.)

Definitely a more challenging week, academically....but not super stressful. A good balance. I laugh a lot here.

yours truly
Butterfly girl

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