All dolled up for Sunday!
Happy father's day!
"Yes Dear" translation "You're still talking to me?"
"You look fantastic!" translation "Please don't try on another outfit, we're late and I'm starving."
All the fathers got to pick hymns. Pastor Cross spoke of how important it is for fathers to spend time with their children because all to soon there will be no time left. He usually ends with some profound quote or saying. This week: "It's hard to find a Father in Jesus, if children don't see Jesus in their fathers." I found my self contemplating how I forget to appreciate Dad...and how this is our last summer with us all living under the same roof...and before I new it my face had become virtual waterfall...no I don't cry every Sunday.
Drove home.
On the radio:Reasons why some men prefer a dog to a wife:
The later you arrive the happier the dog is
dogs like it when you leave things on the floor
Reasons why some women prefer a cat to a husband:
Cats don't miss the litter box

Campers are arriving at camp today, birds are singing, the sun is playing peek-a-boo with the rain and I am left to savor a Sunday afternoon.

Yours truly
Butterfly girl
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