Slept in till 10:30 (way late for me.) Had a gigantic bowl of good ole' fashion oatmeal.
Got my fashion fix from this sweet vintage fashion website. Lots of fun.

So it's official. I will start work at Knapps Trading post this coming Wednesday...I should get a call Sunday about training etc. Schedules filling...Mon, wed, Fri, is Knapps. Tuesday Thursday, nannying, Friday night nannying, Saturday's cleaning houses and every other Sunday nannying (whew!) I'm super excited about getting back into the business...and I'm just praying that God would be in the time management...and that it wouldn't come down to knocking me over the head with a 2 by4 (: if He wants me to slow down. And that the business would make time devoted to my Heavenly Father even more precious, and not shorter.
Ummm...then cleaned the house...made some phone calls... just got back from a potluck at my little sister's school....frankly it was awkward....seeing people I knew..but not well...from high school days. I was glad Kayt came though.
There are days when I could never say this...But I am so blessed to have siblings that I'm close to. And for that matter, a family that's not split and a big house and be going to college and clothes without holes and food on the table and a church family.....
Yours truly,
butterfly girl
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