So I nannied today, then volunteered for the last time this summer at Bloomingdale Elementary. :( The kids are all so sweet, rediculously honest, and funny in a brilliant way. Plan on volunteering there next summer. They even gave me this book of Norman Rockwell paintings that I could read to them.

I love his paintings. They're so..honest.
I'm reading this amazing book called Captivating. It's about discovering the women's soul in light of God's truth. I can't put it down. It was talking about how were were made for beauty, to bot appreciate and be a part of it. Created to be beautiful because God is beautiful...both inwardly and outwardly, an essence of beauty. It explored how because of sin women will either be very controlling...out of this fear of vulnerability, or will become overly needy and weak. It speaks of how our cravings to be told that we are beautiful...playing dress up as a little girl is closely linked to our desires as a woman. Definitely recomend it.
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