Sunday, August 3, 2008


I once again went to The Pillar of Holy Fire Church that I visited last Sunday. I was wonderful. I left feeling refreshed and uplifted and deeply touched. This Sunday we arrived earlier than before. We heardthe children repeating verses after their Sundayschool teacher. A chorus of a million small vioces, raised to recite the same verse.
The drums were faster this Sunday and I sensed people bouncing a little more. The African worship songs are so simple and beautiful. The woman next to me, who has been on Mercy Hsips for quite a while was singing harmony.
I love the sermons, desperately trying to soak up all of it. Their pastor might struggle when reading the verses but God gives him these incredible sermons that always seem to relate directly to what I am dealing with that week. This one was on what to do when you're feeling down. (Do you remember my "Rain" post?)It was based on David's struggle. He writes: "As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longs after You." The pastor related this to the war years how every material thing they had ever relied on was ripped from them. They would go hunting and the deer would make great leaps and bounds and run and run and when it was finally tired it would splash and drink form a pool of whater with no regard whatsoever as to whether or not it was good water. That reminded me of how when we as humans are searching so fdesperately for something to fill that void in our lives, we go to practically anything. He sain we said we must RUN after God and thirst for Him. And we need to REMEMBER where we fell from our first love. And to stay humber by recognizing what He was brought us up out of. Finally, we will be RENEWED by putting all our trust in God and not the things of this world.
Afterwards we once again played with the children. One older girl rushed up to me ,"my friend!" She tried to give me her bracelet but I told her to wear it next Sunday, "that way I will see it and I will know it is you." I think I'm gonna make her a bracelet to bring next Sunday and maybe we can trade. All the little children clustered around me and held my hand and looked the bag that was a going away gift. Kaytlin sewed it and it is all covered in notes and verses. I carry it everywere since we always have to have our Meryc Ships ID card and room key. They were enamored with the buttons in one corner. I said good bye to all the children and promised to come back.
So here I am back on the ship, but happier despite the continued grey weather. I will soon be working in the dining room for super. We often trade hours when one of the others want to go on a small trip somewhere. I'm still deciding what I want to do on one of my work days.

Adios for now. I love you all and hope you enjoy the day God's made!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're posting regularly. It’s so cool to hear what you're doing. I'm glad you’re braving out the wet and not letting it get to your bones.

Not much is happening at home. I just hang 'round waiting for inspiration to hit me. Usually I have to wait for a pretty long time. On Saturday night I baby sat for some people across the lake. They were celebrating there parents 40th anniversary. So there were a lot of people there. My job was just to make sure their 2 and a half girl didn't wander to far or fall of the deck ect. She was defiantly an active little girl; she kept me on my toes. Always wondering around and never staying in the same place for 5 minutes.
It was a pretty fancy place. OK really fancy. Like waiters serving caviar and jazz band. Really fancy. But the family was sooo nice and casual that it really didn't feel formal. I felt kind of bad because my job was like super easy. I just had to shadow the little girl. They were really friendly and kept thanking me and asking me if there was anything I wanted. If I had had enough food, needed something to drink ect.

And yes I did try some caviar. It was... fishy (in all sense of the word) ohh yeah, I saw Mrs. Cooper there. She was one of the cooks/waiters

Can you send me some pictures?
