Friday, August 29, 2008

Cabin Crazy

These past few work days have kind of been an emotional roller coaster, but in a strange way it’s been really good. When you get ten girls in a room for more than a week it becomes apparent just how broken we are. We all start venting and it's messy and beautiful all at once because we then start to really pray together and support each other. We each can be light and girlie and at the same time share intense parts of our lives and we were all brought together by this amazing God who is speaking to each of us in our individual circumstances.
We learn to sense when something's wrong. One of my friends had a really emotional past few days. She lives an incredibly intense life at home, but she is really funny and I love having her as a roommate. She has the greatest expressions when imitating different emotions and she loves the eighties. We have “girl’s nights” were we all sit around eating chocolate and popcorn and talking and laughing our heads off and watching chick flicks.
We have allot of new girls in our cabin. We’re all just waiting for their craziness to eventually leak out. I think after a few weeks on this ship no one can help but go crazy. No, it's not really that bad, we just eventually get comfortable enough to let others see the real us when we're super sad or happy or sweaty and gross or whatever. I think deep down we all are a little bit crazy in our own way-crazy about Jesus, crazy about having fun etc.
The official Food Service director came yesterday. So the woman who was standing in for him told us all the extra work she had for us to do. It was rather overwhelming. But we're all here to serve the same God and that's what matters. Mary Lou said that she hated to tell me about more work because she knew we were way understaffed anyway. She is so incredible sweet. I rather fancy being like her when I'm old.
OK, more crazy dining room experiences. Yesterday I'm wiping down one of the buffet lines and one of the day workers, known for being more forward with his interest in white girls, approaches: "I love to see my baby working." I smiled sweetly and told him I wasn't his baby.” Don’t freak out, I’m telling you because I found it rather of those things where you chuckle-only in Africa.
One more crazy thing to tell you all. I rode on a motorcycle with a stranger-alright don't freak out-motorcycles are used like taxis here-me and some friends paid to ride back to the Mercy Ship gate. And we did wear helmets...But we were swerving madly through packed traffic...and yes I enjoyed it.

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