Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rainy day

Today I woke up to the beep and buz of our room phone ringing and my two new roommates scrambling madly for the door as they realized they were late for orientation. After drifting off to sleep for a while, I woke once again and, still in a state of blissful sleepiness and warmth wondered towards the window. I pulled back those deep blue curtains that, although probably installed for a home look add nothing to the overly airconditioned coldness of our room.


Falling grey and steady from an unsympathetic sky. I watched with fascination as a larger baot was guided to a nearby dock bya smaller boat. Perhaps it is the novelty of being able to look out my window and see ships; I never fail to have a strange curiosity concerning them. It was with a twinge of jealousy that I regarded those ships and their sailors. We are not moving-no scanning the water for lights from other boats or watching the bow cut through the waves or feeling the thrill of not knowing water from sky. I supposed it would be rather romantic.


I talked to a sailor yesterday and was sorely dissapointed. He didn't look like a sailor. No weathered skin or rough countenance-no piercing blue eyes or, love for the sea, like you read about in the books.


I would have preffered some horrific thunderstorm-an amazing display of lightning. But it was Just rain. I suppose you can't say "just rain." It's like saying"just getting a tooth pulled" or "just sitting for hours on end fighting monotony." There are occasions where I do get the insane urge to get soaked and shivery and then go inside tyo curl up with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa. But jthat would require Mom's big red chair and an uncooperative TV and seeing the rain drip off the eaves of our roof and a table scraped and colorful from years of children with markers and lots of steak dinners.


I am feeling rainy and grey. Claustrophobic and homesick. Yes, I am revelling in the misery of being in Africa, in the rain and having the time to pout about it. I might go walk in it. "Singin' in the"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten"

There's a song for ya to sing in the rain. :) You know it's kinda strange to think of it raining in africa. I alwas thougt it was super dry there. Don't let the rain get you down. keep smiling
I miss you