Thursday, August 7, 2008

Splish Splash

We saw my cockroach friend again last night. I was already in bed desperately trying to fade off into sleep. I could hear Jessi, "oh my gosh it's on the curtain." And then all the others got involved and I could here them corralling it. "Oh, no now we have to move the stuff-ew, it's behind there-see it?" I could hear tons of shuffling and things scraping against the floor and someone mentioned a insect spray and for the next 10 minutes I heard them spraying and spraying and I could smell it and I was sure I was gonna be dead in the morning. And then I heard them all debating over which shoe to use and then them hitting the wall with the shoe. My cockroach friend is now in cockroach heaven.
I didn't realize I had been holding my breath untill I let it out in a huge relieved sigh. I touched the curtain around my bed appreciatively and snuggled deeper under the now familiar yellow duvet cover. I had a nightmare last night that my entire family had changed and everyone was sullen and bickering and no one was happy. I dreamt that Mom had suddenly started swearing and we had a huge fight and by the end of the dream I just wanted to be back on the Mercy Ship. I was so relieved to find I was indeed still here, and my family was still alive and happy.
As is now usual on my day offs I had missed the early breakfast. After grabbing a banana from the small kitchen in our room I had a wonderfully chocolatey cup of hot cocoa and watched the rain (yes, it's raining once again). But this time the rain makes me kind of happy. Happy to be inside in warmth smelling the coffee and chocolate from the Starbucks and hearing children play on the piano and hearing laughs from the lounge tables. For the first time I noticed how the windows on the ship have little ledges that make the rain splash up back ontot the glass. I suppose it makes up for not having ground outside to become muddy and full of puddles. That's what I miss. Big clean muddy puddles. I suppose it's rather an oxymoron, but you don't now dirty untill you've walked the streets of Liberia. the constant pelting of the rain gave the ocean this frosted look except for in certain areas. It almost looked like Our lake when it is almost frozen. It was neat.
The people are my sunshine. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support and I love you all and feel like in a way a piece of each of you is here with me.


Mom said...

Deepest sympathy to your cockroach friend. May he find cockroach heaven less terrifying than your room.
Sounds like you're drinking it in and loving life.


Anonymous said...

life is good and you can sleep without dreaming of cockroaches crawling across you.(well, until you find his family) :)

remember, you don't need the sun, you can dance in the rain.
