Sunday, August 10, 2008


Yaaaay, the end of a work day!

Tomorrow we have off.

I smiled today.



Anonymous said...

I miss that smile - Mom

Anonymous said...

I miss that smile. -Mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Slicing bread...
The Meyers' are up at fish creek this week. Well actualy just Aunt Bonney, Uncle Gordon, Tammy, John, Amy and Dave. Dawn and her kids didn't come up this time. But Jenny and Jason did. But that's it.

So I guess it's the rainy season over there. It's been raining alot here to. well, no. it has just been really cloudy.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Slicing bread...
The Meyers' are up at fish creek this week. Well actualy just Aunt Bonney, Uncle Gordon, Tammy, John, Amy and Dave. Dawn and her kids didn't come up this time. But Jenny and Jason did. But that's it.

So I guess it's the rainy season over there. It's been raining alot here to. well, no. it has just been really cloudy.

Love ya