Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

I have been thinking about Sleeping Beauty. I joined our hall Bible study and was thinking about giving my testimony and came to the conclusin that it is rather like the story of Sleeping Beauty. Or should I say "Briar Rose"...really who gives their child that kind of a name? It begs the question whether they thought she was a thorn or a rose.
I never really held her in high esteem as a child-not only was she far too beautiful and required my utter disgust, but I felt that she was, well, plain stupid. I mean honestly as a sixteen year old, with parents who frantically went into "let's burn all the spining-wheels in the kingdom" mode, surely she had inquired why. "Mom, really, why?! Why all the fuss?!" "Well, dear, we don't want you to prick your finger." to which a sixteen year old would have naturally responded with a resounding "PULEASE! Do you honestly think I will prick my finger on a spinning wheel?" and stomped upstairs muttering mutinously.
Naturally she finds a spinning wheel and can't resist touching to see if it really will prick her finger. And then commences to fall into acoma for who knows how long. Maybe her parents feed her and talk to her while she sleeps and then just when they are sure that she will never wake, Mr. crazy Prince shows up. He insists that all it takes is a kiss. Really?really? maybe some heart shockers...they don't even know if there's any brain waves. Oh, not to mention all the other beautiful and elegible ladies who happen to NOT be in acoma. But no, no, he chooses this one.
And then she get's to ride off into the sunset?! What about all the weavers her parents put out of a job, or all those other ladies that were actually awake for most of their lives. And everybody's OK with that?!
I think a lot of times, God is like that prince. We're busy being stupid, and he suddenly sweeps out of nowhere with the amazing redeeming act of love and we, who deserve it least get the Prince. And it doesn't make sense.
Yours truly,
butterfly girl

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