Saturday, January 2, 2010

Playing Grown-Up

I am still catching up. I sit here at the computer feeling all grown up in my silk bathrobe, but engaging in the thoroughly un-grown-up practice of eating kix out of a box. I suppose if I was sipping orange juice from a wine glass and eating some kind of aesthetically pleasing toast, I might feel entirely grown up.
Well, Thanksgiving break was delightful. Rachel once again drove me to Rochester. And a few hours later Mom and Dad picked me up. And in those few hours I revelled in simply being surrounded by actual civilization. AND shopping to my hearts content. I found myself confiding in shoe store sales-women. I was trying on high-heels. "Oh, I love these." Walking back and forth in high heels each of which I wanted to simply pick up and kiss. There are adorable "Mary-Poppins" high heels with a buckle and small heel, and then those dark purple high heels, that really make me feel like I'm 20. High-heels do that to you. At nineteen, twenty still seems so far off, but when I wear high heels, they have this magical way of transporting me through time and I AM twenty. "You know, I've always wanted red high heels, although my mother would probably be scandalized." (As I teeter back and forth in a red silk pair with soaring heels.) I didn't buy those. I suppose I'll wait till I'm twenty. :)

So we visited Dad's family for thanksgiving...thoroughly stuffed ourselves and did a lot of Christmas shopping. Have you ever visited the Christmas Tree Shop? Oh, the smell fills you with nostalgic memories...kind of like how the smell in a coffee shop makes me want to wear high heels and read poems.

And before I know it I am back in school preparing for finals and Christmas break.

Yours truly,
butterfly girl

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