Sunday, January 31, 2010


The devos in the shower stalls scream "Welcome Back Giletians!" I squint at it again...surely the sleep in my eyes must be fooling me. Sure enough, it says "Giletians." All I can think is that I never really got the impression that we were that alienistic, but then again, some mornings I am feeling rather like an extraterestial stumbling through academic buildings...the sweet romance and mystery of Jane Eyre passing before my eyes. The plot is thickening with the mysterious Grace Pool and Blanche Ingram and I can hardly breath as I watch it all unfold.
Wow, to think that I am already in the throws of Spring Semester!I delight in the name "spring semester," however little truth it may currently hold. This lack of truth became abundantly clear when I realized that iceskates may be a more efficient way of getting to classes, as well as when I realized I had caught the dreaded cold and was stuck carying a box of tissues around. I am not a good sick person, somehow I always manage to convince myself that I am on the verge of death....death by sniffles and words like "morning" that end up sounding like "bording."
I have a job this semester. YAAAY! It's cleaning the women's bathroom's...but it isn't in a no showers to scrub! A kindly boss, good acustics, and that little slot that makes the "juuup beeeep" sound when you clock in and out...oh, and then there's that super tipsy mop bucket on the second floor that has it in for me. But all in all I like it....I'm naturally a clean freak and it was easy to get in the routine.
Speaking of work, I have delighted in writing several essays, (that is after the procrastination stage...) Some of which I have shared with you already...I figure in my long absence from blogging I should show you that I have indeed remained a productive, or at least imaginative student.

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

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