Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Beloved Jane Eyre

So the train ride was back was actually quite lovely. I felt sophisticated, grown up and at long last...rather bored. Thank God for Jane Eyre and music. Speaking of the lovely Jane Eyre, she had me balling my eyes out over the various injustices inflicted upon her, not to mention the death of Helen Burns. My friends met me, half-crazed at supper declaring that each and every one of them were absolutely required to read Jane Eyre. And found myself vowing to become a writer. Compulsive, but oh, so delightful. After all my very love, Anne of Green Gables was a writer.

So the train seemed to gently dissolve until I found myself waiting outside the train station quite benumbed from the whole ordeal. Not to mention the literal fact that the station was closed for the weekend and the wind bit cruelly at my ever-so-fashionable-but-ever-so-inadequate J. Crew inspired outfit. Winter boots, leggings and a skirt! Maybe for 2 minutes outside. PULEASE! A mere half-hour into the hour I was bound to wait, I found myself acutely aware and appreciative of Jane Eyre's suffering during those horrid school hours in which they were forced to spend outside and she didn't even half a coat! I made a quick acquaintance with the other apparently stranded girl and when our faithful ride came, we were able to get her to her boarding school.

God reminds me once again that He is good and that my patience needs stretching. And, He rescues us from running into the car ahead of us after it screeches to a stop due to a deer.

Needless to say by the time we finally got to Houghton, I was in (what my Psychology professor would call) the Parasympathetic, emergency mode stage. Aka: high off of adrenaline.But now I am safe and sound and continuing to get lost in the wonderful story of Jane Eyre. And I wish the same to you.

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

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