Saturday, January 9, 2010

The fine art of demolishing

Jordan and I leave tomorrow....I for one am rather glad that there was a lack of transportation back to Houghton. It means J and I will be driven to Albany and then part ways taking various trains and buses. I am actually quite excited. "Oh, yay! Riding in a train makees me feel so much more grown up and la-ti-da-ish!" They know I am about to be 20 in human years but are sure I hail from some distant planet in whose years I am but a young child still enamored with life and romanticizing everything. I plan to keep it that way.
The past week has mostly consisted of J and me doing demolishon work for Dad. I actually like the routine. We have 10:00 and 3:00 breaks and are paid through our lunch hour. Although I have discovered a deep and abiding love for fancy clothes and soaring heels, it was refreshing be at the opposite end of the spectrum for a while. Snow pants and huge clunky boots, a jacket so huge and floofy it made me look like a turtle and a scarg up to my eyes. I looked like I very large burnt marshmellow and felt like the kid brother in "A Christmas Story" who can't move his arms. :)
We worked, shed layers and brought eachother's attention to our "brute strength." You wanto see a gun show?....Squirtguns!Your muscles are so still they're making pearls!...hear that sound....that's my brute strength right there...Crow bars raised above our heads.."uhuhu" Jord would take down a wall and I'd shriek in delight at plying up a single floor board. The wonder bars are look like miny crow bars and I took to calling them magical bars. Oh, and then there's that heater they call the salamander. I'll never forget that one day years ago when Dad got a call and was talking about a salamander...we insisted that he take us up to show us...and were sorely dissapointed at the sight of a big, orange heater. So we did it! That is, successfully took down several walls, as well as layers of floorboards. Although I certainly don't plan on making demolishon work my daily occupation...I have discovered that hacking madly at things can be great fun. suitcase is packed, (with much shoving and rearanging and huffing and puffing,) next semester's books are ordered and I am ready once again to delve into the college routine of papers, caffiene, and hopefully a few more snow ball fights.

Wish me luck!

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck C! Hopefully I'll come visit again! Too check out my school. I insist on visiting one more time before making a final decision. I'm glad you've had fun destroying things for a while! ^-^ <3 Mackenzie