Ready to shop?

In the car on the way to
Plattsbugh-why is she so gorgeous and tan?!

Lunchtime! mmmmm

In short, the trip was a total and absolute blast. Loved it. Saby and I morphed into giggling-teenage-girls-mode (...wait we are teenage girls :) as we modeled hats and purses. And oohed and awed over each other's outfits. It was lovely.

Say cheese!

And of course, ya gotto love the school shopping!

Here are some favorite finds:

Love that organizer

From the hometown street shopping

Victoria Secret, scandalous I know. Wait, story: so I get this coupon in the mail to Victoria Secret Pink. I need undies anyway, so being the blond that I am I go to Pink in Saranac Lake..."um, no....that's Victoria secret." Brilliant Corina. So then we're at the Victoria Secret in Plattsburgh and I'm busy being scandalized and there's this long search for the right undies that the coupon applied to. And then as I'm (finally) checking out..."oh, and you get to have a free doggy to! Pink red or blue?" (All said in this every so benevolent tone) I am not a pet lover, but I had yet to realize just how much I detested polka dot stuffed dogs in little T-shirts from scandalous stores. Hannah took it later :)

Well, I haven't completely lost my sanity yet. Although I did feel several brain cells dying as I watched the total go up and up on the cash register on our way out of Target. :) First time I've ever used my debit card or an ATM. (Yes, I know I'm naive;) But the shock of expense was quickly soothed by a scrumptious dose of chai tea at the star bucks.

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