Well I believe Saturday was the climax of the craziness. Worked the ice cream stand, rushed to my nannying job, 9pm-picked up by a friend-into Lake Placid for the latest Harry Potter :) Yeah...got back at 1:30am (scandalous I know). Apparently tickets weren't handed out till late, so there was a line when we got there, thus the movie started late, thus we left Placid around12:30. But honestly, it was a blast. So good to catch up on the past year-oh, the college stories:)- good conversation.
This morning went well with the poem -reading in church...although I wonder if I didn't scandalize some. ("the tattoo on their back boasts: for me to live is Christ and die is gain" or "they would switch seats with the criminal on death row-guilty as hell.") Oh, and it was great hearing about the Young Life group and their week at camp. It inspired me to be a YL leader next year.....we'll see what God has planned. Speaking of YL camp...Kayt's back!

It was raining that day and Hannah decided to dance in it!
Oh, and our amazing cousin Cassandra's up
Love the outfit:)
Picking wild strawberries!
It got sunny today...so here's my sunshine outfit!

Yours truly
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