Monday, July 13, 2009

Canoing escapades!

So since it turns out I wasn't working Sunday...we all went canoeing! All the girls canoed to a nearby island to hangout while Dad spent the day canoeing and met us at the island around supper time.

Proof of Dad and Mom's canoe-securing expertise.

Dad's girls

And of course Sparky and Ashes

Me and Kayt (she's back!) in one canoe. Mom, Hannah and the dogs (thanks goodness:) in the other.

Mom getting lost in watercolors.

It was colder than we expected so Kayt went with the old towel trick and used her piromaniac skills to start a fire.

Check out the bare feet!


Dad arrives! Hannah celebrates by...swimming?! :)

Ashes the welcoming committee

Time for hot dogs and s'mores!


Kayt and I were rather sugar high from all those marshmallows. Sang like drunks on the way home...especially in the echo-y tunnel :) I forgot how much she made me laugh.
Yours truly
butterfly girl

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