Friday, July 31, 2009


So yeah, just got back from a wonderful, refreshing, looong jog/walk to find that my shorts were.....inside out. I'm being scandalized by my own stupidity. :)

Well, this weekend is promising to be another busy one. Yesterday I nannied and then babysat for another family 5-10:30pm. Today I work as the ice cream girl 12-5...and then 6-10 babysit Hudson and Elly...and then get a ride into Aprils where I'll be staying for the night. Because Saturday I'm nannying...and it's Mom and Dad's anniversary so they can't drive me in. Not quite as thrilling as shopping, (which Mom, Kayt and Hannah are currently doing :) but it'll be fun to hang out with Cassandra on Saturday.
Received the labels I had ordered, only to remember that I'll only be at this address for another month. Still putting them to good use though! My mind was running in 100 different directions with all the things I want to get done in my last month before college. (ahhhh! :)

Got $25 dollars worth of pictures developed for my scrapbook (I'm still about a year behind...but catching up!)

Random photo of the flowers we got for Mom last Sunday.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Food, food and more food

Here's some random pictures of meals I thought looked good my cookie project :)

Supper side dishes

favorite part: the home-made blueberry jam on Upper Canada Village bread:)

When faced with left-overs, you can't go wrong with salad

And now for my cookie project

My kind of cooking (aka burnt)
Dad was adamant that they were NOT burnt-but I say if the chef says they are...they are.
So there you are with some of my latest eating/cooking experiences.
Yours truly,
Butterfly Girl

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Monday!

There's nothing like raspberry chocolate and laying in the sun.

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

Sunday, July 26, 2009

1:30 am!

Well I believe Saturday was the climax of the craziness. Worked the ice cream stand, rushed to my nannying job, 9pm-picked up by a friend-into Lake Placid for the latest Harry Potter :) back at 1:30am (scandalous I know). Apparently tickets weren't handed out till late, so there was a line when we got there, thus the movie started late, thus we left Placid around12:30. But honestly, it was a blast. So good to catch up on the past year-oh, the college stories:)- good conversation.
This morning went well with the poem -reading in church...although I wonder if I didn't scandalize some. ("the tattoo on their back boasts: for me to live is Christ and die is gain" or "they would switch seats with the criminal on death row-guilty as hell.") Oh, and it was great hearing about the Young Life group and their week at camp. It inspired me to be a YL leader next year.....we'll see what God has planned. Speaking of YL camp...Kayt's back!


It was raining that day and Hannah decided to dance in it!
Oh, and our amazing cousin Cassandra's up

Love the outfit:)

Picking wild strawberries!


It got sunny here's my sunshine outfit!

Yours truly
Butterfly girl

Friday, July 24, 2009

Shopping Spree!

Ready to shop?

In the car on the way to
Plattsbugh-why is she so gorgeous and tan?!
Lunchtime! mmmmm
In short, the trip was a total and absolute blast. Loved it. Saby and I morphed into giggling-teenage-girls-mode (...wait we are teenage girls :) as we modeled hats and purses. And oohed and awed over each other's outfits. It was lovely.
Say cheese!
And of course, ya gotto love the school shopping!
Here are some favorite finds:
Love that organizer
From the hometown street shopping
Victoria Secret, scandalous I know. Wait, story: so I get this coupon in the mail to Victoria Secret Pink. I need undies anyway, so being the blond that I am I go to Pink in Saranac Lake..."um, no....that's Victoria secret." Brilliant Corina. So then we're at the Victoria Secret in Plattsburgh and I'm busy being scandalized and there's this long search for the right undies that the coupon applied to. And then as I'm (finally) checking out..."oh, and you get to have a free doggy to! Pink red or blue?" (All said in this every so benevolent tone) I am not a pet lover, but I had yet to realize just how much I detested polka dot stuffed dogs in little T-shirts from scandalous stores. Hannah took it later :)
Well, I haven't completely lost my sanity yet. Although I did feel several brain cells dying as I watched the total go up and up on the cash register on our way out of Target. :) First time I've ever used my debit card or an ATM. (Yes, I know I'm naive;) But the shock of expense was quickly soothed by a scrumptious dose of chai tea at the star bucks.

And now I am ready to sleep.

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The best poem ever!

So this guy comes up to me and says "what's the vision? What's the big idea?" I open my mouth and words come out like this… The vision?
The vision is JESUS – obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.
The vision is an army of young people.
You see bones? I see an army. And they are FREE from materialism.
They laugh at 9-5 little prisons. They could eat caviar on Monday and crusts on Tuesday. They wouldn't even notice. They know the meaning of the Matrix, the way the west was won. They are mobile like the wind, they belong to the nations. They need no passport.. People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence. They are free yet they are slaves of the hurting and dirty and dying. What is the vision ? The vision is holiness that hurts the eyes. It makes children laugh and adults angry. It gave up the game of minimum integrity long ago to reach for the stars. It scorns the good and strains for the best. It is dangerously pure.
Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation. It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their Satan games. This is an army that will lay down its life for the cause. A million times a day its soldiers
choose to lose that they might one day win the great 'Well done' of faithful sons and daughters.
Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night. They don't need fame from names. Instead they grin quietly upwards and hear the crowds chanting again and again: "COME ON!"
And this is the sound of the underground The whisper of history in the making Foundations shaking Revolutionaries dreaming once again Mystery is scheming in whispers Conspiracy is breathing… This is the sound of the underground
And the army is discipl(in)ed.
Young people who beat their bodies into submission.
Every soldier would take a bullet for his comrade at arms. The tattoo on their back boasts "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain".
Sacrifice fuels the fire of victory in their upward eyes. Winners. Martyrs. Who can stop them ? Can hormones hold them back? Can failure succeed? Can fear scare them or death kill them ?
And the generation prays
like a dying man with groans beyond talking, with warrior cries, sulphuric tears and with great barrow loads of laughter! Waiting. Watching: 24 – 7 – 365.
Whatever it takes they will give: Breaking the rules. Shaking mediocrity from its cosy little hide. Laying down their rights and their precious little wrongs, laughing at labels, fasting essentials. The advertisers cannot mould them. Hollywood cannot hold them. Peer-pressure is powerless to shake their resolve at late night parties before the cockerel cries.
They are incredibly cool, dangerously attractive
On the outside? They hardly care. They wear clothes like costumes to communicate and celebrate but never to hide. Would they surrender their image or their popularity? They would lay down their very lives - swap seats with the man on death row - guilty as hell. A throne for an electric chair.
With blood and sweat and many tears, with sleepless nights and fruitless days,
they pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on them.
Their DNA chooses JESUS. (He breathes out, they breathe in.) Their subconscious sings. They had a blood transfusion with Jesus. Their words make demons scream in shopping centres. Don't you hear them coming? Herald the weirdo's! Summon the losers and the freaks. Here come the frightened and forgotten with fire in their eyes. They walk tall and trees applaud, skyscrapers bow, mountains are dwarfed by these children of another dimension. Their prayers summon the hounds of heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden.
And this vision will be. It will come to pass; it will come easily; it will come soon. How do I know? Because this is the longing of creation itself, the groaning of the Spirit, the very dream of God. My tomorrow is his today. My distant hope is his 3D. And my feeble, whispered, faithless prayer invokes a thunderous, resounding, bone-shaking great 'Amen!' from countless angels, from hero's of the faith, from Christ himself. And he is the original dreamer, the ultimate winner.

Looking forward to the weekend-expect lots of pictures!

Result of Mom going flower picking with Hannah and Elly-future note to self- take time to go flower picking. :)

As the weekend approaches, it seems to get busier by the second so I figured I'd post something before the business strikes and all sanity goes out the window(:

9:30 shop in town while Mom does tyedye with one of Hannah's friends
12:30 leave for Plattsburgh-commence the crazy college shopping

Work as ice cream girl till 5pm
5:30 be at nannying job
9:00-picked up to watch the latest Harry Potter movie :) (again!)

Service-read this amazing poem (posted below)


Working madly on my scrapbook. Goal: be all caught up by college (I'm still years behind.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New note book and journal!

Hmmm...which ones?-lost and found-left by campers each week

Slept over at Saby's! Did the whole foot spa thing:) didn't bring my camera...but check out her sweet black fingernail polish! -Dad declares that the Yankee blue is his favorite :)

"I feel pretty..oh so pretty"

Mom and Dad playing footsie-Parents are the best when they're madly in love :)

Just met my college roommate! Yaaaaay!-so excited. Oh, and have this Friday off! Going college shopping with Sabra! -Literally shop until we drop-the list is miles long :)
Yours truly
butterfly girl

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Graduation party!

Saturday: went to Billy's graduation party! I met her when we were both taking dance classes. It was really cool to meet her family (and of course the adorable kiddos running around:) They even had a DJ!

Check out the sweet cake and decorations!

Family portrait

There the graduate is!

How precious is that

Oh, and can't miss the helium voices! :)

And blue nails!

That night: nothing like snuggling up with hot cocoa, toast and Our Century In Pictures;

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl