Thursday, April 29, 2010

what can I say? I'm in a poetical mood.

I hate you
Like the morning sun that makes me squint
Petals we all tip toe on guiltily
Stars make me crave significance
Like your grin
I hate you
Like bare foot prints on kitchen tiles
Hot chocolate stains on a book
Elegant nicotine in Hepburn’s lungs
Only creosote stains
Like your voice
I hate you
Like a picture telling me I could be in Paris
Sexy blue flags on drops of chocolate
Heels cause blisters
Like your touch
I hate you
The way books smell
Like ink stained fingers
On graffiti notes
Jazz beat
Like your steps
I hate you
Like chewing pizza crust
Staying dry when it’s raining
Only daisies growing through side walks
Know my effort
I swear I tried

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