Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Mother managed to cajole us into going freezingly to the sunrise service today. It was lovely. I have since molted many layers of finery from said service and am currently focused on soaking in a years worth of Vitamin D.
I have also had the shocking discovery that I am indeed a carnivore. I have eaten so little meat lately, simply because I tend to distrust cafeteria meat. But suddenly I am thrust into devouring Mom's cooking. Meats in sweet and spicy sauces, sausages. I find myself raving about meats I generally hold in disdain. But alas, all this heavenly home-cooking has simply strengthened my opinion that cafeteria meat is to be avoided,despite the slight craze it produces after eating good meat.
Our family has spent hours at the sea: gathering shells, flying kites, reading in the sun, and walking the streets and for once in a very long time I feel like I'm actually living gently. The sun and the ocean does miracles to ones disposition.
Jesus is risen and I find him in the most usual and unusual places.

Yours truly,

Butterfly girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've had a GREAT day! I'm so glad! Enjoy the SUN! =) And the risen Son... <3