Sunday, April 18, 2010

If music were the only thing to live for, I would.

I suppose it's that time of year when concerts and plays and recitals all come to completion in performance. (One more week till finals!) I went to the shakespearian play King Lear. It was lovely, dramatic and heart-rending, (granted I didn't find myself quite as immersed in the deliciously melancholy tears I had hoped for,) but on the whole entirely worth going to. And then there was the Houghton Palooza. I know, the name speaks of too many late night coffees and comotose brain cells. It basically consisted of each of the (more than fifteen) bands on campus playing a few of their songs. I liked it. And although I have this hunch that the whole production was made to entice the perspective students this weekend, I still have visions of some innocents being stuck by a wave of shock as the building viabrated under their feet and they were met with screams of indisciferable language. :)

Yours truly,

butterfly girl

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