Sunday, April 11, 2010

Niagra Falls

After arriving home from Fenwich Island, Mom, Hannah, Kayt and I went on an exclusively girls trip to Niagra Falls.
I suppose the first shock for me was the rather "L.A. feel" of things. Every shop had a neon blinking sign, music blaring, animate creatures moving, bright colors and all other symptoms of a tourist trap. Definitely a sensory overload.
The hotel we stayed in had a p00l, hot tub and cable television. What more do you need? :) We went swimming every day. Delightful
The Falls were amazing and awe-inspiring and a little scary-the mist pillowing out, freezing through jackets and layers. We got to go under the falls in this tunnel, during which Kayt and I delighted ourselves in creating a horror story of the slimy tunnel walls and yellow lighting. We also went to the Rain Forest Cafe. You walked in to a lush jungle filled with music and the sounds of animals. Every twenty minutes there was a thunder storm and the animated animals would move about. There were 2 huge fish tanks with various brightly colored fish swimming about. Loud. Fun. Surprising. A kids paradise.
Later we sent on a quick shopping spree. I recommend a store called "Winners." Name brand, classy, but fairly cheap.
But the highlight was "the sushi place." I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. It is the Japanese Yukaguni Restaurant on Fallsview Ave. We went there around 3 in the afternoon. No one else was there. Our waiter was super friendly and recommended some particular sushi rolls after we explained that this was our first experience with Japanese food. Chopsticks. Little dishes for soy sauce. And a small tray filled with sushi: California, cucumber, avocado, crab, spicy tuna rolls. Apparently groups of Japanese frequent the restaurant so what they serve is the real thing. He explained that to get the full flavor, one must stick the entire sushi roll in one's mouth. I can't even begin to describe the flavors. Sticky rice and silky fish, the gentle creaminess of avocado. And the flavors burst forth complementing each other in such an explosion that when you put it in your mouth, all senses are imediately concentrated on this indescribable variety of texture and taste in one little roll.
We went there twice. I don't think I have ever had such a savory experience in any restaurant. And the food isn't heavy. It leaves you perfectly full and happy. No honestly, one bite and I couldn't stop smiling.

Yours truly,
Butterfly girl

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