Monday, September 1, 2008

Poetry and Chocolate

There is something poetic about scrubbing that three inch piece of white concrete that acts as the support for all the warmers and heaters for the dining room. I suppose it is in the fact that when you are scrubbing it your face is only a few inches away peering intently at each and every spot which you intend to remove. You begin to admire your work. There is something gratifying about seeing that smear of dirt slowly come off, and then you look up to see strange faces looking down at you as if you were some alien just dropped out of space. But my mind was stuck on poetry. It could have been the fact that I napped during each break, thus remaining in a happy state of warm sleepiness throughout the day. It was rather surreal.
We've started putting out this chocolate sauce, for lack of better words. But this is no ordinary chocolate sauce. It's actually in some other language but I think it's called Nutella in the US. Well I've been using it as a spread. I suppose I was savoring the sheer happiness of being alone at a table and even though people were talking all around me, it was like I had found my own silence and I was secretly trying to close my eyes with every bite without being conspicuous. And I was trying to describe that heavenly taste in my head. The way it was smooth and rich, but it didn't taste like chocolate fudge and the way the taste seemed to get better with each bite until it filled all my senses. And I could smell and feel and taste and see and touch that heavenly chocolate. And the only word I could think of to describe it was poetry. So today I decided that if poetry had a taste it would taste like chocolate. I suppose it's a rather romantic thought in a way, or absolutely ridiculous if you're like my brother.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would have to agree with you that if poetry had a taste it would taste like chocolate. Yummmm. I love chocolate...

Well to catch you up on things going on here. Mom is back in Boston for the next two weeks this time (she didn't have to go on Monday because it was Labor Day)
Today was free ice cream day at the snack bar in the game room. I was nearly asleep on the basketball courts (we had just gone swimming) when I was jerked out of my stupor by the news that there was free ice cream.

Yesterday afternoon the Delaney’s' came over. It was fun to kayak with the kids. Then we had supper at the beach.

Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Tomorrow school starts. I have a study hall first thing. I know I'll be able to use it when I have homework. But on the first day of school what on earth am I going to do. I'm trying to think of a book I want to read but my mind is blank... *sigh* Although I'll want to reed Antigone (or however you spell it)but I don't have that. Ohh well

Good Bye and God Bless

Anonymous said...

I think poetry tastes like blackberries straight from the bush. Tart and yet sweet with a little dew on top, and maybe some thorns thrown in for contrast.


Tyrone said...

I hate to ruin it for you but that 'nutella' is mostly fat and oil (read the label on the back) a little cocoa powder and less than 10% hazelnut...thats why its smooth and creamy.

I don't think the scrubbing was to impress the 'head food service guy' but to continue on, where others had fell short. (meaning it was supposed to be done all along, but that's what happens when so many people come and go, some things get lost in transition)

Thank you for your cleaning, your willingness to serve, and enduring "Eddie's Flour Power"...

From: "the guy upstairs in the galley"

Keep that smile going Corina, we know its not always easy, and actually very hard at times.