Sunday, September 7, 2008

Things just happen

Today I learned that things just happen.

Things that I can't control.

Things that hurt.
Like one of my friends whose life seems to be crashing in around her.

Things that make even the most upbeat people dissolve in choking tears.
Like the always smiling face of my boss wet with tears.

Things that make me feel as overwhelmed as the people experiencing them.
Like seeing someone lying helpless in the road and screaming for somebody to help you and not even one would. Sometimes I feel like I am seeing through other's eyes. And I start looking around the room and wondering how many have had the cruelty of life here staring them in the face. It's so easy to preach the good Samaritan when it's not staring you in the face.

Things happen.

Things that are in God's hands.

Sometimes I 'm so busy running around dealing with these things that I forget to look up and see His fingers working even here.

God made prayer and faith.

For things like these.

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