Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Alligators

We were gazing at the thousands of people below us, leaning over a white balcony, sipping waters from tall glasses. It was serene, and it was Tuesday.
We were at Water Side Market, (Ellen and Amy and Sarah and me.) After much fabric shopping we went to the Bamboo restaurant which overlooks one of the main street and the thousands of heads bobbing up and down and the men pushing huge bundles in wheelbarrows up the hill, and the people selling things on the side of the streets and the run down buildings and the babies tied to their mother's backs. On the way down we examined the mural near one of the stairwells. It was filled with vibrant colors and showed the huts and lakes and people working and then in one corner it had this surprisingly large and slightly out of proportion alligator. We all had a good laugh when we saw it. We were able to get a taxi back to the Love restaurant where we ate at three and then headed back to home sweet home and air conditioning.

We watched a Nooma video called Kickball. It was about how allot of times we are just like little kids. We ask for something we want and we feel like we need it and when God says wait, we wine, "But I thought you loved me!" We are like little kids convinced that a small hand ball will satisfy us, unaware of the huge kickball our Father plans to get us. We discussed how as Christians we often find ourselves thinking that if we could just get something or just get to a certain stage in life...then we could really be used by God. In reality he wants to use us now, where we are, as we are. It was really thought provoking.

Thursday was full of scheming for Sarah and Amy's going away party. While Ellen and I were at work the others baked a cake and cookies. Cindy hid the cake in the safe at her office:) And we made hot cocoa. They saw the cake and cookies she was very surprised. It was funny. And then of course we made them give speeches and Janeen video taped it. And of course they both came up with a funny, clever speech on the spot: Many laughs.

Friday we went to the Love Restaurant once again as a kind of closing to Sarah's stay. The food was delicious as always and we listened to snapshot memories from on board the ship. And then, sadly, she left. :( We took many last minute pictures.)

Janeen and Ellen and I all went to Bonje town. It was so good chatting with the mothers and telling them that Sarah was on a plane back to Wales. The sweet couple in the room next to us, came to paint the birthing house. They painted the floor green and Martha, the woman in charge, was very excited. It was good to see William again. He has such a passion for learning and really wants to go to high school, but he needed writing and reading books. I had purchased a notebook for him in Waterside and was able to give it to him. Since Sherry is only sponsoring the grades up to sixth grade, she told me to just present him discretely. I wrote him a little note to go with it. He read it to me.

Later when we were singing with some of the children and they were teaching us hand clapping games, William ran over to me and asked if I wanted to play football with them. I was honored. They took me to this patch of dusty ground towards the edge of the village. And thus I commenced at making a fool of myself running around desperately trying to block and kick with boys half my age, twice as good at soccer as I. Here they call if football.
On the way back we purchased sweet bread and meat sticks from the women by the road. It was only when I reached our cabin and was wondering why my feet were aching that I realized that I had blood blisters on both my feet. But you know what? It was worth it.

OK your about half way through this post. I'm catching up because, it's been a whirlwind a good way. So to say it all in one sentence: I am alive and well and loving Africa.

Sunday, we went to The United Liberian Inland church...with Grey and Takpor. Takpor invited me over lunch and Grey's from Ghana and felt like he just had to go to church this Sunday. We went to the adult Sunday school first. It was uplifting just sitting there listening to their insight on the Bible passage. And then they sang. It was beautiful and rich and melodious with the harmony rising and falling in grand crescendos and diminuendos. It was actually a very large church and they even had pews and a choir with uniforms. Women came in dancing and singing with the food offering. One of the lead women wanted to keep the microphone until they reached the back of the church on their way out. That was rather funny, one of the pastors had to run back and get it from her. And then there was a baby dedication. "Wow, thank you for making such a beautiful little girl." Her name was Favor, "and she looks like one to." The congregation laughed. The message was about being faithful, approachable and teachable. Back at port we said goodbye to Takpor at the gate.
Sunday night we went to the International lounge for Sunday night worship service. Then we heard this amazing sermon on communication. OCCC. Open, Constructive, Clear Communication. It makes sense to be honest and sincere so our communication doesn't get warped and perverted by selfish ambitions or judgemental opinions.

Monday devotions were led by Peter, the head food service manager. He gave this great talk on how we should never get tired of serving God, but should be tired from serving God at the end of the day. Peter wants to put a new, more professional face on the food service right after I leave in January they will be getting uniforms and we got weird rubber black shoes for over normal shoes so we don't slip. If I can serve Jesus by wearing silly shoes than that's the least I can do.
I only become miserable on the job when I get bogged down with other's expectations. I need to simply focus on doing my best with those expectations in mind, but letting God take care of the rest. And I can feel that spiritual growth, it's rolling out of a warm bed in the morning; it's serving that person that comes in asking for lunch at 1:30 when lunch ended at 1:00. It's smiling at the person who frowns at the food. And God's been revealing His heart to me through the people we serve. Like the random person that decides to help us fill up the drink containers. It's the person that always says thank you. Sometimes it's hard and sweaty and stressful working 11 hours a day, but we all encourage each other and share laughs and at the end of the day, it's worth it. And if we can serve better by being more professional than I say let's do it. It's been...for lack of a better word...healthy.

Sarah called. She got back to Wales safely and sounds like she's doing well. It was funny. Amy described how she had been getting more and more nervous because she was leaving Wednesday and she just wanted to call Sarah to be told that everything is OK when you get back. They live twenty minutes from each other. And at the very moment when she was about to pick up the phone, Sarah called. It was really good to talk to her. She called, "just to say everything's all right when you get back." That night we had a going away party for Amy. I am so inspired by her. She really has a heart for Africa. It's been so amazing hearing how God brought her here. We all had tea and sat out on the dock and eventually headed in to one of the mid ships lounges. It was nice.

Wed: Amy left. A Bible verse and a very sweet note on our wall. We all miss her. We invited a bunch of girls over to our cabin and chatted and ate trifle. Paul writes about how God instilled in each of us a different conscience. And we've all had different experiences leading up to this point in our lives. It as good for me to struggle with that and just to remind myself that we're all here for the same reason; to serve God.

Thursday; Yay! Community meeting! I was hosting two people from the Young Life group in Monrovia. Tim asked several people to be hosts so the Young Life group could come. That's what the offering went to. It was so good to hear him talk about how it's changed his life as well as the lives of others. And it was good to see them again. They invited me and Ellen and Jackie to come to their first YL club. It turns out Jackie, one of the girls from our neighboring cabin, used to be a YL leader.

If you've actually read all the way through this then you're crazy, and have way too much time on your hands...or maybe I have too much time on my hands. In any case, I miss you all and love you ~Corina

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