Saturday, February 25, 2012

More kitchen experiments

Chocolate "muggin" cake from scratch!

About 1/2 cup buckweat flour

sprinkle of Baking soda

Sugar to taste

Cocoa powder



Mix buckweat flour, baking soda, sugar and cocoa powder in a mug. Add a glug of water (till it's a thick slush.) Heat in microwave (about 2 minutes) till it has risen and become cake-like. Next make a mixture of water and cocoa poweder, adding sugar to taste-microave till its a smooth gooey mixture and pour over muggin. It's a great to tide you over till the next meal.
And now for......

Soup from scratch!

several cups of water

1 finely chopped garlic clove

several dashes Italian Spice

Lots of salt-a Tablespoon or more

About a Teaspoon of Pepper

Random packet of flavoring I found in the kitchen (supposed to go over noodles?)

Broken up spaghetti noodles

extra virgin olive oil

few dashes vinegar


Mix all ingrediants and heat till bioling

Add spaghetti and boil till soft

Warm with a gentle spice! Enjoy!

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