Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello my loves!
So this may soung like Greek to some of you, but as a single woman I really love Valentine's be honest I have my beloved family to thank for that. Every Valentines day they are sure to send me a delightful package filled with homeade goodies, loving notes and decoration. I LOVE YOU ALL!

And I simply have to tell you all about my surprise Valentine from God. It was like a scene from a movie. :)

So I'm having breakfast before hurrying off to my book-repairing job and I'm coming back with my second bowl of cereal (with peanut butter and bananas-absolutely scrumptious.) Suddenly I realize my booth has dissapeared. Someone's delicious looking bagel with cream cheese and raspberry jam is sitting there. I love raspberry jam. And then of course, a guy's voice behind me.
"Oh! I'm sorry, were you sitting there?"
I realize my jacket was shoved inconspicuiously in a corner of the booth.
"Oh! no worries! I can move."
I am now sitting about 2 feet away slightly facing him at another table. 2 seconds pass like an eternity of awkward silence. I can't take it any more.
"Or we could just have a stranger breakfast." (Awkwardly moving back.)
We ended up having a lovely conversation. He's a junior, transfer, communications/business major...was going to be a teacher at the previous college, lived in Maryland. It just felt genuine. That's rare when talking to a complete almost always just steriotypical questions. It lasted for about 5-10 minutes. And then I rush off to work.
And that was my valentines date from God. :)

Yours truly!
"That was short breakfast."
"Yeah, I'm on my second bowl." (laughing)

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