Tuesday, December 21, 2010

As of Late

In this Christmas season I am reminded just how much God blesses us with family in Christ-across the globe. It is so humbling to see Christ working in and among other's lives.
A busy semester has ended and I also am thrilled to be spending time with family. Every moment with my family has calls for gratefulness. Mom picked me up on the way home and we had a wonderful, deep talk over dinner and then we went Christmas shopping and sang Christmas carols at the top of our lungs for the rest of the way home. I spent Saturday hemming/adjusting all the clothes I had brought home to sew...Church was lovely on Sunday and that afternoon we went on the traditional Christmas tree hunting escapade. We went to the high school Christmas concert Kaytlin performed in-it was truly beautiful. The music made me want to close my eyes and soak it all in. There was an eclipse of the moon last night and we stayed up viewing Lie to me (love the English accents) in order to see it.
My little sister H reminds me of myself at that age. She loves tea parties and the book Anne of Green Gables and dressing up and American Girl Dolls and is a total romantic. Then there is K, 16, crazy about driving, super mature, drop dead gorgeous with flaming red hair, loves action movies, a book worm-we're very close. She is finishing off the last few days in school before break. And then there is J,back from the little tiny art college were he is learning to teach photography. He is a huge witness as an RA on his floor, goes on trips to feed the homeless and has dealt with everything from busting people with drugs to hosting pancake parties and finding his room stuffed with balloons-very mature for his age. Mom and Dad are doing well....Dad's working hard as the superintendent on camp as usual-he orchestrates a lot of up keep for the fairly old rersort-esque buildings. And Mom is as full of life and creativity as ever, selling cards, homeschooling Hannah, singing and trusting God with every up and down that comes. Please pray for her and Dad traveling to Boston-us kids are at home (partae!) And on top of all this I woke up this morning to smell of Hannah-made pancakes with blueberry syrup.
I am inspired to count my blessings and I could go on forever counting, but for now I just want to say thank you. It is always uplifting, encouraging, edifying hearing from you.

yours truly
butterfly girl

Corina Gochenaur

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