Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hello once again my lovelies.
Jobs are windigng down, last minute visits are speeding by and I am savoring the anticipation of heading back to college so delightfully soon. Summer has been glorious but I have begun to miss my Houghton friends...the philosophical debates over the lunch table and the campus in general....well, ok the independence.
Speaking of, guess what I (finally!) got? Driver's License! Woooohooo! Mom and I celebrated with icecream. Toaday I took my first trip into town w/out a parent-dropped The Sister of at work, and went shopping feeling oh so grown up :) And belive it or not it was actually kind of fun driving-although I'm sure I still drove like a white haired woman who can barely see above her driving wheel-don't mock me! I aspire to be one!

Yours trully
Butterfly girl

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