Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hello my lovelies!

And for all those who dare to scoff at that nickname (my un-romantics), I have no pity.
I am currently lounging around at THE AIRPORT. Naturally, I have been gyped again into paying the $7.98 for exact 24 hours of "boing" airport internet. Who names something that anyway? It sounds similar to a boomerang. Seeing as I needed to check some internet-communications (why I don't just lose all sense of dignity and say "facebook" has yet to be realized.) (Future note to self-get a cell-phone...after the car.) In any case it's looking like I'll be able to make it to THE COLLEGE sooner than expected (Praise the LOOOORD!)

So here's my thankful list today:

Thankful for parents that will wake up at some ungodly hour to say goodbye to their girlie.
AND THEN drive her to wherever she'll be off galavanting next.
WHILE graciously hosting guests AND navigating rides for other siblings.
Thankful for my beloved Jane Austen-who has accupied me today with the detestable antics of Mr Whilaughby (the nerve!)
I'm thankful for (albeit increasingly ashamed of) two very pink roll-on suit cases...of course bought while in a rather uninformed inspired state in which I imagined I could stand (the shame!) being that one business-woman with bright pink suitcases.
I'm thankful for the lovely stranger who couldn't speak English and needed help with a phone call. Have you ever helped someone at an airport? If you have, you can relate to the high. You're sitting there on the verge of utter boardome, and suddenly you are very much needed and relied upon and you feel useful and it's a bautiful thing.
Thankful for my future roomy!

Yours truly

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