Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hello my lovelies!

And for all those who dare to scoff at that nickname (my un-romantics), I have no pity.
I am currently lounging around at THE AIRPORT. Naturally, I have been gyped again into paying the $7.98 for exact 24 hours of "boing" airport internet. Who names something that anyway? It sounds similar to a boomerang. Seeing as I needed to check some internet-communications (why I don't just lose all sense of dignity and say "facebook" has yet to be realized.) (Future note to self-get a cell-phone...after the car.) In any case it's looking like I'll be able to make it to THE COLLEGE sooner than expected (Praise the LOOOORD!)

So here's my thankful list today:

Thankful for parents that will wake up at some ungodly hour to say goodbye to their girlie.
AND THEN drive her to wherever she'll be off galavanting next.
WHILE graciously hosting guests AND navigating rides for other siblings.
Thankful for my beloved Jane Austen-who has accupied me today with the detestable antics of Mr Whilaughby (the nerve!)
I'm thankful for (albeit increasingly ashamed of) two very pink roll-on suit cases...of course bought while in a rather uninformed inspired state in which I imagined I could stand (the shame!) being that one business-woman with bright pink suitcases.
I'm thankful for the lovely stranger who couldn't speak English and needed help with a phone call. Have you ever helped someone at an airport? If you have, you can relate to the high. You're sitting there on the verge of utter boardome, and suddenly you are very much needed and relied upon and you feel useful and it's a bautiful thing.
Thankful for my future roomy!

Yours truly

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More reasons to celebrate:

Done with the dollar store job! WWWOOOOO HHOOOOOO!
Successfully made Mom's famous poppy seed bread.
At last got up the nerve to write to my compassion child in Spanish.
Was finally able to have one on one sister time with Kayt.
Am having one of those rare days where no amount of rain can dampen my spirits.

And I wish the same on all of you.

Yours truly,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Good Sunday Morning

The sun is dapled every where and shining in the windows even this early. It's going to be a glorious day. So we're off to thank the Maker of this glorious morning and see our lovely church familly. And then (dun dun dun) a rock-climbing adventure! Dad used to rock climb so there's been eagerness to have him teach us some tricks before the summer's up. We're borrowing most of the supplies (using Dad's old gear would be rather....unsafe/suicidal.)
Naturally I'm a bit nervous having never once done something like that-but I figure hey, if our family can do our high ropes course, we'll be fine.

Wishing you a blessing and an adventure.

Your truly

Butterfly girl

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some favorite quotes for the day

Little Sis: "See this is a bruise got last week, oh, and then there's this little cut there when I fell and then there this big bruise....oh and this scar, this is Vernon Dersly 'cause it's big."

The Sister: (refering to knee boarding)"I feel like my brain's have been knocked around."
Third party (aka me): "Your brains have been knocked around long before that."
The Sister: "I'll knock YOUR brains around!"

Dad (to THe SIster): I have risked my life too many times taking a shower after you have! (referring to the coat of conditioner left in the bathtub)

Hope these made you smile!

Hello once again my lovelies.
Jobs are windigng down, last minute visits are speeding by and I am savoring the anticipation of heading back to college so delightfully soon. Summer has been glorious but I have begun to miss my Houghton friends...the philosophical debates over the lunch table and the campus in general....well, ok the independence.
Speaking of, guess what I (finally!) got? Driver's License! Woooohooo! Mom and I celebrated with icecream. Toaday I took my first trip into town w/out a parent-dropped The Sister of at work, and went shopping feeling oh so grown up :) And belive it or not it was actually kind of fun driving-although I'm sure I still drove like a white haired woman who can barely see above her driving wheel-don't mock me! I aspire to be one!

Yours trully
Butterfly girl

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hello, here I am once again to refute any suspicion that I have gone into early hibernation.
Quite the opposite I assure you:) Although my online Adolescent Lit course ended, this last month is making up for the leisure of the rest of the summer and still being wonderful. I am working three very part time jobs-one at a dollar store and two nannying. Trying to fit in those last minute catch-up-on-life visits with lovely friends. Mom's in berry heaven, picking blackberries, raspberries and blueberries practically every day and making delicious desserts. I finished my two-week cooking goal but continue to add fun recipes to my collection. My next (might happen) goal is to make and outfit from a pattern-entirely on my own (not excluding verbal help/directions from my dear madre.) College text-books have been ordered and I'm hoping to ship some stuff down soon, seeing as that weekend is quite busy at camp so I'll be getting to college via train. (Although rather romantic, still the reality of only being able to bring two bags:)
The weather has been glorious. Just a few days ago we had a beach date w/ some of mom's friends. And although I managed to get a killer sunburn, it still was lovely (thank you aloe-vera!). Call me crazy but there is just something so luxurious about lounging around all bathing-suit, hat and pearls on a beach. Especially when the water's not numbing!
And now my lovelies, I am off to nannying.

Farewell for now

Yours truly