Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Overwhelmed but loving life

I need some major prayer for the next few days:

Yesterday I baked for a surprise birthday party. However we just found out that the whole time when we had been planning the surprise birthday another group had been...for the same person...at exact same time. What can I say? Great minds think alike. We already gave out invitations, so now we're trying to work something out. Just pray that God would totally infiltrate everything and it would go smoothly and be beautiful.

And then tomorrow the president of Liberia is coming for a Thank You Service. We're not working then, but have offered to help and there's tons of cleaning and preparation to be done since the dining room will be the main welcoming place. No one is allowed through the dining hall and everyone has to pack their lunch. Breakfast will stay open later than usual..and it just seems like a whole bunch of stuff to remember and help with.

And then on the 6th of December there is going to be blackout on the ship because they're cleaning the engines. So we'll to help prep all cold foods for that. We've been working at making reservations to stay at a nearby beach with nice cabins to rent. Please pray that it would go well.

Aka: I'm currently overwhelmed but loving life all the same...and a little bit of me is looking forward to the approaching craziness.

Luv ya!

1 comment:

Faith said...

It's Faith. Finally found your blogs with that website address link thingy you put up. I'm so glad you did. Wow! I wish I could have come with you. I'd be a lot closer to God than I am now. Our family wil cont. praying for the Mercy Ship. And i'm so glad your having such a wonderful time. These blogs are good to put up to remind people how we do take things for granted, all the time. We need to thank The Father for all of the blessings he has given us. Because your right, it could be taken away in 15 min like that family. Well, I've got to go. But I'll talk to you later Darling. Miss you&Love you. praying for you always, and can't wait to see you when you get back.