Thursday, November 6, 2008

15 Minutes

Good Morning! I suppose it's around 6am there. Whether you're just rolling out of bed, or have already begun your day, I just want to remind you to think about it. Think about the warm bed you just rolled out of. Think about the breakfast you just ate. I love that post sleep haze. And you look in the mirror after washing your face, thank God, because it could all be swept away in 15 minutes.

Over breakfast I heard the stoory of a mother who escaped the rebel forces during the war. Escaped 15 minutes before they came. With children they had to keep quiet as their house was plundered. With the clothes on their back. And that was it. Talk about divine protection. How within moments, everything we as humans have worked for can slip away. And yet how much we take for granted.

This morning we all had a group prayer. It was so good...healthy. It's like when we all take time to really pray together and bare our hearts before God, all the little things of this world that we so easily get caught up in, slip away. And I am suddenly aware of how human I am and how God He is and how much He has blessed me. With these amazing people I work with incredible roommates. Roommates that are willing to discuss Bible verses untill 11:00pm. Roommates that are willing to have fun and carry eachother's burdens. I am so awed at the beauty of a God that brings people together in pain or joy for His glory.

We're starting an accountability group. I guess it came out of discussions after a devo about constantly being in prayer. We're making a prayer box. :) Ellen and I have started going to one of the small groups on board. We're reading 1st, 2nd and 3rd John. It's been so cool to see how God uses it to speak to each of us in our own unique situations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Corina, I think it's wonderful to have an accountability group. I think it's even more fantastic that you can pray openly with your roommates. What a blessing to have people you can trust with that, and to have such support and love so close by. I pray that you are growing in everything you do, and that you're enjoying every second of life. It sounds like you are. God bless dear friend. I miss you! =) -Mackenzie