Monday, July 28, 2008

A Day Off

So this morning I heard my alarm and after much snooze-button pressing I finally got up. I had heard another girl's alarm go off and guessed that it was Kayla's-she is my work leader and my rommate. So I rushed up all late and then realized it was another one of my rommates-she works the other shift. So it's a day off today-I went right back to bed already ready for the day and thus proceeded to get up in time for lunch. :)
I just had a wonderful conversation with a father and his daughter from India. They just arrived and are staying here for 2 weeks-he works in the eye dept. His daughters name is Rebecca. It is so nice to get to know some knew people and welcome them.
I'm super excited about tomorrow-Lidya, another girl that works with me, invited me to join her on a trip to the beach and then an orphanage. I can't wait.
I am fighting off the monotony-so keep me busy with updates and e-mails and pictures-
I love you all so much



Anonymous said...

Hi Corina!!!!! Thanks for all the updates. It sounds like such an amazing experience you've had so far. Well I do have some news for you. Jordan folowed through with spiking his hair. He sent pictures to me and mom. Mom said he lookes like Uncle Doug when he was that age. Grandma said that she did a double take when she first saw him, he looked so much like Uncle Doug. Jordan is off to Champion for the month. And I havn't gotten to see his hair cut because I was at the Gunduz family's house. But I'm back home now. :) I rode up with the Gunduzes who are camping at fish creek for the week.

OK well I'll have to send you some pictures of Ceylon, Ceyda, and me, and then the ones of Jordan. God bless,


Anonymous said...

Hey Rene, thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip with Lidya to the orphanage and the beach.

Have you gotten to visit any of the patients yet? It sounds like you have time and opportunities to volunteer in other departments.

Did I read that you all have some sort of on board service twice a week for the staff? How has that been? I hope it has been encouraging.

I take mom in to see Dr. Armand today. We are hoping that they don't need to do any more treatments or testing for a week or 2. That will allow us to go home. Mom is very achey when she moves and tires easily.

I'm so glad you did this trip and didn't get discouraged even when I would point out the challenges that would have to be overcome.

Continue to seek new adventures but don't do anything that would make me worry too much. Love, Dad.

Anonymous said...

Hey Corina! Hope you caught up on your sleep. Thanks for updating - it's been awesome to read! Miss you, but hope you're having fun!