Sunday, July 27, 2008

Daniel and the Piano

Did you all get my update? -I am slowly but surely settling in.It is a glorious day today. it's funny, but i'm having more fun working than not. because my off days are in the middle of the week I have to sign up way ahead of time to go into the village-I found my last days of rainy and monotonous-
but my mood has lifted. i am slowly coming out of my shell-it's really nice job-wise on the weekends because people back their lunches so we have a nice big break from 9am-4pm-I love it.
yesterday I was working "the line" (aka-a buffet line) and I really enjoyed greeting the people-we had pizza (very messy). yesterday I met a little boy named Daniel. i was playing the piano (yes they have one for anyone to play!) and he pulled himself up on the bench beside me and thus instructed me in the fine art of randomly banging the keys with ones fists. he was very cute and his mother was very nice, although aghast at his rambunctious behavior.
Again, I'm catching up fromseveral days ago and I'll try to keep yoiu all posted.

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