Sunday, July 27, 2008

African Church Service

This morning I was able to attend one of the African churches in the village. They used a small drum and a gord with a beaded net around it to make music. There was allot of clapping and "Amen's" during the service. It was awesome and afterwards all the little children circled around us as we handed out stickers and took pictures on digital cameras. They had a small child doing the drums. It was some kind of complicated rhythm that made me want to break out dancing. Mom, you would have loved it. I think it officially ruined any kind of Western style church service for me. And the sermon was great. It focused on how to please God with our worship through foor steps:
heart-The heart pumps blood to all parts of our body and worship should infuse every part of our lives just like that
honor- the Creator and not the created
honest-be honest with god and let him prepare you for worship
humble-worship is about God and not us
I later found out that the pastor actually works on Mercy Ships as and eye doctor.

These people are so friendly and yet they have so little. It really puts in to perspective things I take for granted. It makes the American way of life look pampered and ignorant. We depend so much on material posessions for our happiness. These people don't buy machines to excercise, they work everyday all day just to feed their family. Going to the beach to swim is also unheard of. That is were the children wash clothes. Every day it is a fight just to survive. If people that have so little to be happy about can be thankful, than how much more so should I be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Corina, this might be a double post. Deb and I are pleased to hear that you are enjoying your time with Mercy Ships. It sounds as though you had very little adjustment time. You hit the ground running and are feeling right at home. That is a blessing! Thanks for writing such as wonderful letter. Both Deb and I thought your observations were very wise. We are proud of you and hope you will continue to enjoy your time of service with Mercy Ships. Also, a friend of ours, Claire Whiting, when she found out you were going on a Mercy Ship mission, sent some money to support you. I didn't ask; she volunteered.

Love, Bruce and Deb