Sunday, February 10, 2013

On having no life- a "how to" post :)

So it is 10 pm on a Friday night and I find myself wide awake and entirely and totally bored. What did I do?

 I dumped everything out of my"get rid of" pile including an old picnic cloth I made into a do-rag to pretend I was "gangsta." Then I got tired of pretending to be a gangster and attached a hanger to the do-rag and becam Spok reporting to the commander about a "strange substance" I had found. (Some old food dye-I considered going out and painting blue hearts in the snow.) I practiced balancing an old box on my head, pretending it was a massive basket and I was at an African market. Then I found and old scarf and pretended I was a Muslim woman. I made a sock puppet and had quite the diologue with the sock puppet. I considered markering "PARIS" on my largest suitcase. Then I climbed into the suitcase to see if I could fit inside. (Warning for anyone else who's considered sending themselves to exotic locations: sitting inside a suitcase is highly uncomfortable.)

Epiphany moment: I realize I am sitting in a massive pile of random objects, a sock puppet in one hand, a do-rag on my head and an open suitcase which I have just attempted to fit into. "AH! WHAT AM I DOING!?"

I have yet to admit to craziness.

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