Friday, February 15, 2013

Confessions, quotes and random moments

THE CONFESSION: OK! So I bought flowers for myself! People here love to talk. I enjoy giving them something to talk about. :)


1. That moment when I'm jogging on the treadmill and realize that while I was singing along to my girly-workout songs, the huge muscular man on the next treadmill was huffing and puffing and sweating profusely.

2. When you realize that yes, you are actually sitting in a Lent service being reminded of your mortality the day before Valentine's day. Carpe Diem?

3. I'm drinking hot chocolate and mending books and accidentally dip the glue brush in my hot chocolate.


"This place makes me want a cigarrette and I don't even smoke! Let me tell you, when I graduate...there is a gin and tonic with my name on it."


"I collect antiques. That's why I married him."


-"The purple one's are the best. They're fudge-filled."

"It doesn't look like there are any left."

-"Oh. They were the best."

"Are you blushing?"

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