Friday, February 15, 2013

Confessions, quotes and random moments

THE CONFESSION: OK! So I bought flowers for myself! People here love to talk. I enjoy giving them something to talk about. :)


1. That moment when I'm jogging on the treadmill and realize that while I was singing along to my girly-workout songs, the huge muscular man on the next treadmill was huffing and puffing and sweating profusely.

2. When you realize that yes, you are actually sitting in a Lent service being reminded of your mortality the day before Valentine's day. Carpe Diem?

3. I'm drinking hot chocolate and mending books and accidentally dip the glue brush in my hot chocolate.


"This place makes me want a cigarrette and I don't even smoke! Let me tell you, when I graduate...there is a gin and tonic with my name on it."


"I collect antiques. That's why I married him."


-"The purple one's are the best. They're fudge-filled."

"It doesn't look like there are any left."

-"Oh. They were the best."

"Are you blushing?"

Sunday, February 10, 2013

On having no life- a "how to" post :)

So it is 10 pm on a Friday night and I find myself wide awake and entirely and totally bored. What did I do?

 I dumped everything out of my"get rid of" pile including an old picnic cloth I made into a do-rag to pretend I was "gangsta." Then I got tired of pretending to be a gangster and attached a hanger to the do-rag and becam Spok reporting to the commander about a "strange substance" I had found. (Some old food dye-I considered going out and painting blue hearts in the snow.) I practiced balancing an old box on my head, pretending it was a massive basket and I was at an African market. Then I found and old scarf and pretended I was a Muslim woman. I made a sock puppet and had quite the diologue with the sock puppet. I considered markering "PARIS" on my largest suitcase. Then I climbed into the suitcase to see if I could fit inside. (Warning for anyone else who's considered sending themselves to exotic locations: sitting inside a suitcase is highly uncomfortable.)

Epiphany moment: I realize I am sitting in a massive pile of random objects, a sock puppet in one hand, a do-rag on my head and an open suitcase which I have just attempted to fit into. "AH! WHAT AM I DOING!?"

I have yet to admit to craziness.