Friday, March 23, 2012

High lights

Highlights of the week:
Sun: Collaborating with another Sunday school class...outside in the sun!
Tue: Playing games with the kiddos during a ministry at the Salvation Army core
Canoing class-2 canoes tipped- otherwise, sweaty, sunny, wonderful
Absolutely glorious soul-chocolate voice recital!!!
Going to a local Arts center-an open mike where people read poetry and time I'm gonna read a poem!
Extra praciticum hours-"Ms. G, what are you doing here?" :)
Super with my wonderfu Salvation army friends
The new Bible study "Jesus and Justice"
A human trafficking lecture
Talking with a guy friend about the complex political and social problems that lead to social injustices like sex slaves, pornography, child labor in businesses etc. Speaking of...moving
video you all should watch:


1 comment:

Mom said...

So the poem you read needs to be the pencil to the eraser.