Friday, March 23, 2012

High lights

Highlights of the week:
Sun: Collaborating with another Sunday school class...outside in the sun!
Tue: Playing games with the kiddos during a ministry at the Salvation Army core
Canoing class-2 canoes tipped- otherwise, sweaty, sunny, wonderful
Absolutely glorious soul-chocolate voice recital!!!
Going to a local Arts center-an open mike where people read poetry and time I'm gonna read a poem!
Extra praciticum hours-"Ms. G, what are you doing here?" :)
Super with my wonderfu Salvation army friends
The new Bible study "Jesus and Justice"
A human trafficking lecture
Talking with a guy friend about the complex political and social problems that lead to social injustices like sex slaves, pornography, child labor in businesses etc. Speaking of...moving
video you all should watch:


Sunday, March 18, 2012

A love poem from a pencil to an eraser

Dear eraser
I need you
To erase to erase to erase
My mistakes I have to face
You left the best there was in me
Scrawled out in little napkin notes
And neat lines
And then you ran out
Leaving little pieces of you everywhere
That I cannot erase erase erase
We fit together like number 1 and 2
I was your number one
And what you meant 2 me
To be number 12
Without you my apologies are dark scribbles
I can’t erase erase erase
You said
If loving me meant getting dirty then bring on the grime
Do you need me to spell it out for you
Together we make cosigns and portraits and love notes and call numbers and phone numbers and
Read between my lines
Without you they blur.

Tid bits

Best floor event ever!!! Cupcakes and colaging!

And then....last weekends 90's dance! (oh, the depths to which we will sink :)

Here's some high lights from the week:

Tuesday! Got to hang with some awesome kids during some adult ministries at the Salvation Army church.
Wednesday-practicum as always-again the students make my day

Friday: Went to free Canadian Brass concert-we're talking world-famous...It was incredible, humorous, hip. Mom and Dad, you have to check them out!

Saturday: Get to be a subject for my friends photography project. What a blast!

International banquet! Lace gloves, blue dress and all...I love dressing up and feeling sophisticated! Not to mention the positively scrumptious food. And authentic outfits. And trivia game.

Sunnday: Today we got to collaborate with some other Sunday School teachers-went outside for the lesson-fun! Really good group chemistry overall.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Back to a newly redecorated's to dumpster diving for roses!

Have a lovely weekend!!!!

bits and pieces of NYC....we'll be getting the official scrap book later..

Tourist day! Hehe....having fun at the Elis Island gift shop....

Headed to Eliss island on the ferry-tourist Wednesday!

Eating classy

Ride out of the city and back to being college students:

Our courageous skit leader/director/actress!

I'll be sure to show you all more pictures as we get them!!!!