Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hello there!
Caterpillars are still waging an aerial attack on Houghton.
But other than the caterpillars, life is wonderful. I got a room to myself in Lambein for may term, without having to pay for a single. Decorating and setting up was a total blast. The banned books course is really great. It's forcing me to draw my own line when authors are abusing their power over readers, and when uncomfortable, ugly subjects are needed to make a good point.
Me and the other girlies have had deep discussions. Particularly pertaining to whether or not it would be possible to get married, and then secretly become a pre-nun for a year. During which you'd start a black market of lace and jewelry and then eventually quit. It would just be oh so romantic to be able to tell your grandchildren..."Yes I was a nun once..."
Last night we watched a modern movie about Romeo and Juliet. Hardly anyone else was in the theater. It was so nice to get indignant at the characters, dreamy eyed over Italy and breathless over true love. Beforehand we went to a little coffee shop. There was live music, antique decorations, couches and general aire of quaintness. Note to self: maybe I'll run a coffee shop.

Yours imaginatively

Butterfly girl

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