Thursday, May 6, 2010

catepillars and commencement

Well hello, my lovelies!
Finals have at last finished. It was so sad and strange to watch most everyone pack up and leave. I'm saying through commencement week and then doing Mayterm. Mayterm is basically where students use up their extra (paid-for) credits in 1 or 2 intensive, month-long courses. I'll be taking a Banned Books course. I'm quite excited. We're reading things like the Communist Manifesto ect. It'll be really good to be taught about those books form a Christian perspective.
I feel so blessed to have discovered kindred spirits here, most of which share my love for literature and romanticism. Which may be a contributing factor in why I am now leaning towards a English major. Come to find out, it would only take 2 years to get my masters and then teach it. Which is what I came to Houghton for originally. :) This summer I'm hoping to get a job that will gie me some experience...we'll see.
And last but certainly not least....CATERPILLARS ARE TAKING OVER HOUGHTON!
There was a time when spring was fresh a beautiful and all the trees were budding and their blossoms fell all around...and then the caterpillars came. First, aerial attack. They hung from spider-web strings in the trees. I often appreciated how the trees here drape gracefully over the walk-ways. No longer. You do not see these caterpillars hanging until they are about an inch away from your face and then you turn around to see more and you are suddenly trapped as they blow in the wind on their invisible strings. Now, don't get me wrong I generally am predisposed to caterpillars. Turning into a butterfly is like redemption. But these caterpillars are the ones that kill trees with thick nasty tunnel webs. So once you get used to skirting around all trees. You look down and realise that what you tought where just tree-sheddings on the walk-way are caterpillars. And with every step you try not to imagine what is smooshed beneath your shoes. It doesn't smell like spring anymore. It is warm and muggy. It smells like caterpillars. You open a door and look down to see the door frame covered in caterpillars. It's like a plague. I am thoroughly disgusted. My skin crawls. BLAEEEEH!!!!

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