Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just returned from taking a Ed Psych test. .The subsequent essay I began with Miracle Max's famous line: "Ah, true love is the most noble cause...except for a nice MLT, mutton, lettuce and tomatoe, with the mutton nice and lean. mmmmmm. That's so perky."
The essay was about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Don't ask me how I incorperated the quote. It was a long and strenuous process. :)

It's sunny and gorgeous today. Twice in a row! Studants are wearing T-shirts outside despite the half-foot of snow and I do not wish to imagine the delusion acting upon those who subject themselves to such a severe case of goosebumps. However I do applaud the "I defy winter" attitude.

Spring is in the air and I feel like a child a month (or two) before Christmas.

Yours trully
butterfly girl

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